Fertility News

To glue or not to glue - that is the question!

Written by Flinders Fertility | May 3, 2020 5:20:00 AM

What is EmbryoGlue?

EmbryoGlue is the name given to a specific culture medium that is used during embryo transfer. This culture media contains high concentrations of hyaluronan, also known as hyaluronic acid. Hyaluronan is not really a glue at all, but a substance that occurs naturally in the uterus, fallopian tubes and ovaries. It is hypothesised that high concentrations of hyaluronan around the embryo aids in the interaction between the embryo and the uterine lining which is necessary for implantation.

What is the evidence?

EmbryoGlue has been available for over 20 years, however during this time its efficacy has been debated in the literature as the published studies have been highly variable in terms of quality. Large reviews that have taken into account all available evidence have suggested there may be an overall beneficial effect. Most importantly, from the smaller studies that have not reported a benefit, EmbryoGlue was not shown to have any adverse effect on cycle outcome. A more recent large study has found that it was of benefit only in patients who have had repeated implantation failure.

Based on the evidence to date, Flinders Fertility will offer EmbryoGlue to our patients, and we will recommend it to specific patients when we believe there may be a benefit.

How does it work?

The culture media that is usually used for embryo culture and transfer also contains hyaluronan but in lower concentrations than that found in EmbryoGlue. Therefore, using EmbryoGlue does not affect your treatment at all, apart from the fact that your embryo is cultured and transferred with this modified culture media. Using EmbryoGlue will involve a small additional cost to your fresh or frozen treatment cycle as it is a more expensive media. 

Want to find out more?

If you have any further questions about the information described above, you can arrange a nurse chat with one of our fertility nurses.

For up to date health and wellness information on how to increase your chances of conception, check out our fertility news page, or download our e-book below.




Bontekoe, S., Blake, D., Heineman, M.J., Williams, E.C. and Johnson, N., 2010. Adherence compounds in embryo transfer media for assisted reproductive technologies. Cochrane database of systematic reviews, (7).
Harper, J., Jackson, E., Sermon, K., Aitken, R.J., Harbottle, S., Mocanu, E., Hardarson, T., Mathur, R., Viville, S., Vail, A. and Lundin, K., 2017. Adjuncts in the IVF laboratory: where is the evidence for ‘add-on’interventions? Human Reproduction, 32(3), pp.485-491.
Fu, W., Yu, M. and Zhang, X.J., 2018. Effect of hyaluronic acid–enriched transfer medium on frozen–thawed embryo transfer outcomes. Journal of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Research, 44(4), pp.747-755