Fertility News

Life Whisperer

Written by Flinders Fertility | Apr 27, 2020 4:30:00 AM

Recent advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) technology has meant that all areas of medicine are able to increasingly benefit from the ability of machine learning – a tool that is able to make predictions based on thousands of previous examples. The IVF laboratory is no different, where AI has now become a promising tool aimed at streamlining our processes with the goal of better helping our patients.

What is Life Whisperer?

During IVF treatment, one of the major determining factors for pregnancy achievement is embryo selection, and we have previously written about the importance of selecting a single day 5 blastocyst (embryo) for transfer with the highest chance of achieving a pregnancy in a previous news article.

With this in mind, Flinders Fertility is proud to be the first clinic in Australia offer access to Life Whisperer, an Artificial Intelligence tool developed right here in Adelaide. This revolutionary technology has been designed to improve embryo selection, and been trained and developed using thousands of images of day 5 embryos (also known as blastocysts) as well as tested in many different laboratories around the world to show that it is able to predict fetal heart potential with increased accuracy. Ongoing clinical studies are in progress to assess the improvement in live birth outcomes.

How does it work?

Life Whisperer can be easily applied in the IVF laboratory in conjunction with the traditional selection methods already used by embryologists. It is also an effective ranking tool, providing extra information to help embryologists identify which blastocyst to select first for transfer when there are multiple blastocysts available.

Life Whisperer is not intended as a replacement for genetic testing (i.e. PGT-A). Flinders Fertility use the most accurate and robust techniques to obtain embryo-derived DNA for PGT-A, which is based on the latest evidence-based medicine. More information about testing methods can be found on our fertility news page.

Where can I find more information about Life Whisperer?

If you are looking for more information, check out our website by clicking here, where you'll be able to watch a video about how it works in our IVF laboratory. More information can also be found on the Life Whisperer website: (https://www.lifewhisperer.co/)


If you have any further questions, you can arrange a nurse chat with one of our fertility nurses.

For up to date health and wellness information on how to increase your chances of conception, check out our fertility news page, or download our e-book below.